Message from @king
Discord ID: 364187599029665792
Shows pefi not being an owner or admin
Mental midgets
Oh wait
Looks like op sort of updated it
They took the bait
Yeah it wasn't even intended as bait
They based the whole thing off of this
*coolbeans waits in the darkness*
I just ate way too much Chinese
hey i am here
Does anyone know how to change nicknames on mobile
you cant make a bot to unban people?
what sub are they posting that shit on?
@COOLBEANS What do you want it to be?
since they unbanned everyone by hand <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>
Brit larps as a programmer
He uses the same bot (redbot) pefi used to ban everyone
He could literally just edit one line of code
switch ban to unban
and unban everyone
The way it was
lots of sore fingers for nothing <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
@COOLBEANS Damn .Sam, long time no see
And they couldve just made a new server
Since we left it with 6 people
@sithfreeman <:malik:333999154273714196>
it was all me
not pefimous
a british guy being in charge of a TRUMP server just doesnt even sound right