Message from @king
Discord ID: 364186808516345866
I'm here to reclaim my stolen land
@COOLBEANS im not shopping around for a tv for u <:pepegun:356316958141972501>
I think Pef is the owner
False @Aunt Honey
Pefimous is only a senior mod
Not an owner or an admin
Ahh, ok.@king . I'm still trying to figure everything out.
@Aunt Honey Some dumbies on reddit think this was pefimous's powerplay or something <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>
@COOLBEANS me and composers
That's what it said on r/drama, lol
On r/drama
Op is a retard
Op is a retard who thinks it was pefimous who did the whole thing
When in the fucking screenshot
Shows pefi not being an owner or admin
Mental midgets
Oh wait
Looks like op sort of updated it
They took the bait
Yeah it wasn't even intended as bait
They based the whole thing off of this
*coolbeans waits in the darkness*
I just ate way too much Chinese
hey i am here