Message from @vSilver
Discord ID: 364191419956723712
I only tolerate Catalonia bc they don't want to be part of the EU
so apparently the spanish government is ignoring catalonia...
quick question, who wrote The Myth, the book about the concept of germanic racial soul
jewgle doesnt let me find it
search instead on amazon under books
ok ill try
We want Catalonia to win this
Because if they do, they and socialist Spain will be at odds for the foreseeable future
Catalonia has lots of communists in it
Catalonia is the most prosperous part of Spain, so they're trying to create their own state.
I knew the spanish couldnt stop it. 90% at the polls. good luck not recognizing that
So socialists fighting against communists is a good thing
But it's illegal to do what they're doing.
Anyone who says otherwise is stupid.
I saw the protests and it did look like a lot of SJWs, lol.
ehhhhh just because we don’t like Spain’s government doesn’t mean we want to encourage sedition
Just spanish ones.
its spains problem. they ignored this issue for too long and now we have people beating the shit out of each other
it’s not just spain’s problem if it encourages other cities to try to become independent
I know people here want Calexit to happen but that’s not a good thing if states can just choose to leave
We win no matter what happens in Spain today
how? Spain’s pretty insignificant
is it really a win?
nobody wants californa to be in the union anyway. they constantly ignore federal law and expect the country to go along with stupid shit
It's another blow towards Socialism and Communism
it takes so many votes for a state to be able to even leave - this makes it almost impossible for states to leave the union
That's a win in my book
what is ur book about
>wanting to allow california to leave the union
Hmm, not sure
@Scary_Clown the question is, Ok
that's cuck talk
that's Ok talk
you kill those who want to separate
you never remove stars from the flag