Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 364428621173096458
the don's reckonin'
im sure they will somehow blame Trump for this
inb4 its all trumps fault
Pretty sure the gun he used was automatic, and unless it was an old model and he could afford that; it was bought illegaly regardless.
Is there still a ban on assault weapons?
There's a ban on automatic weapons.
No there isn't. I bought an AR-15 about 6 months ago.
Only old automatic weapons are allowed to be purchased afaik
Thought so lmao. I keep seeing tweets demanding a ban on automatic weapons
full autos have been illegal for years tho
an ar-15?
The gun used at this shooting was fully automatic from what I've heard
Lefties are dumb dumbs
basically "scary looking guns"
this ^
i only have a mosberg for my house, no hand guns though or rifles
i've got 2 AK-47s and 3 AR15s, thats about all you need for home defense
but better than nothing
shotguns are always useful
havent had to use it since i bought it 5 years ago, so thats nice. then again I dont live in shit-cago
1 AR15 for the wife, myself, and my son. when niggers break into our house when theres anarchy in the streets, they're leaving in a body bag is all im sayin.
stand your ground here in florida
come in my house
i know its not a ar15 but the mosberg will at least stop you for a little
I wake up and 50 people are dead