Message from @MrThatGuy
Discord ID: 364495598985936906
CBS bitch got fired
hey guys now that CIA guy is gone i'm back
hey fellas, can white folks plz stop mass shooting nshiet?
More like Scary_CIA_Guy
but hey
who killed the white shooter?
Hey fellas, can you tell your anti-fags to stop shooting people?
I gurantee you it was another white man
atleast we clean our own messes amirite?
It could have been a black man that shot him, that's pretty short sighted. Black cop lives matter too
who cares 50+ lives for 1 life is not a good trade@Scary_Clown
oh wait, it was a gun
He killed himself I thought
@Blood really depends who that one life is
black and blue lives matter
Wait, we aren't Muslims. We don't beat our wives into submission
Socialists aren't real lives.
@Scary_Clown wow
speak for yourself
this is for you
wow thank you
delet that