Message from @trent
Discord ID: 364732108804980736
you'd think after Trump's election
we need to meme that shit
Leftists would think "hmmm, maybe the conservatives are right about the 2a?"
but what the hey
Let Trump take your guns and then let Trump take all your other civil liberties
Leftists are retarded
"anyone who's politics are different to mine = evil & wrong"
leftists are ebil and wronnnng
>has a quick nap
>wakes up at 10pm
@trent is this allowed
the video
Ye watch it
Lol you posted it @Scary_Clown
fuck me
Fuck you
holy fuck
@Scary_Clown yer a piece of shit
No I didn't make it
doesnt matter, u shared it
Ye because I find it absolutely disgusting and would like everyone to know that I hate the video
maybe yer not a shithead
We should hunt down the man who made this video
yes. and blackmail him just like CNN did with the Trump body slamming memer
Muslimes self destruct
@Scary_Clown i've seen worse on reddit than that video
>for immigrants
inb4 Anthony Weiner gets transfered to Sweden
>picture of Swedish child