Message from @trent
Discord ID: 364763769244483586
@J U S T lol I was offering free dick pics
I've never seen a woman so excited
trents a woman too! @Rev
Consider suicide
I am the only woman here
wow guys
a girl is excited over my e peen
@amygdala only trap here oyu mean
@trent I only catfish traps lol
Frick off
remember when I sent mew fake pictures of me but she thought it was real pictures of me
hey, guys
i'm a woman too
real classic
@Rev dick pics inbound
prove it, give us a cooking recipie.... @Rev
Did y'all eat too much soy or something?
what happens when you eat too much soy
you end up like me
You become retarded
a thot?
Like this weeb @amygdala
@Scary_Clown lowers testosterone and raises estrogen levels
lol wtf
so weed? π @futurestorms
scary has a selfbot that tracks down potential girls by their speech (text) and converses with them
Kills your sperm count too
@trent π
eventually sending them a pic of his penis
@trent I've literally developed a fucking algorithm for how women talk on the internet