Message from @thot destroyer
Discord ID: 364766226372886538
looks fucking awesome
But only if we can kill niggers
im gonna buy a ps4 sooooon
I'll stick with Arma
I want to be able to shoot them with my revolver while they are working the cotton fields
you know?
Best mil sim
what kind of server is this. ring wing?
Rockstar will fuck us up the ass with DLC like they did with GTAV
i fucking WISH the game would have that
<@221468046840168450> Hi
I am on many popular discords
@J U S T horse cards!
I am an active discord user and help run many discord communities
>Help run
you must be new
Haven't even seen you on UP
i got banned from there
UP is so gay
you cant even say nigger
yea thats probably why i got banned
it was after charlottesville
discord was crackin down
scary is a behind the scenes guy
you dont know him
but you know his work
scary is a cia nigger
at least were not on discords radar since we are a new server 😄
Some fat girl in a ushanka just walked up to me to talk about how she wanted to look like the people at anti trump protests
i say nigga just to keep my teeth white