Message from @CaptainDynamite
Discord ID: 364782797300170763
what if he used an attack helicopter
yall ever just collect guns and make explosives without any military background
@CaptainDynamite theres footage of him wearing a pink pussy hat at anti-trump rallies
yall ever been a millionare and decided just to kill people cuz
just pol thangs dont believe it
A leftie cuck said you will rather die falling out of your bath than by terrorism lol
whytho, he is a radical leftist, targeting rights, intentionally trying to show them the consequences of guns. "If they dont see what I see, I will make them see by harming people!" Typical lefitst insane logic.
id rather be shot to death than stabbed to death tbh
i actually think he was dying or something and decided to go out in a blaze of 4chan glory
the dude was old might have gotten diagnosed with some bad cancer or something and decided to an hero
Ban bows
As far as I know theres no proof that he was a radical leftist other than a pic of a guy who looked remotely like him at an anti trump rally (which isnt radical leftism)
Ban assault slingshots
Ban water guns
Well then I guess you should also wait on more information before jumping to any conclusions, right?
If more than 490 people died by falling out of their baths in the 3 last years we would have heard about it
@MrThatGuy nigger this is definitely set up
How the fuck do you get 17 guns into a hotel room without raising eyebrows
That’s my question
He played lots of guitars
@CaptainDynamite I'd like to know that too lmao
It's really suspicious
17 guitars
yes. A set up by a radical leftists to make guns look bad, intentionally targeting those on the right.
Guns in guitar cases I guess?
haha wow its almost like theres more to the story and maybe some people helped him out
Antifa isnt telling him to shoot people, its the government, you idiot
It's almost like he's a CIA agent
But how many guns would fit in a guitar case? 2? 3 max?
Guns in a large luggage case... People with large luggage cases going up to rooms is pretty normal in Vegas...
multiple trips... He had the room all day
It depends on what kind of gun it is