Message from @FoxPod
Discord ID: 364795488492584961
pls no ban btw
Pls let us kill babies. FTFY
I meant no ban me
Everything else is mental illness
this tbh
I may be a leftie but I still say two genders
Could've fooled me. I mean, what's in between a cock and vagina. Magina?
dont have kids goy
I can't claim I'm a rhino and expect people to pick up my dumps in the street
Why don't they push having less kids in Africa?
Why do they tell only whites to have less kids?
@Heatbeat I'm transage. Sometimes I feel 27, other times I self identify as a 130 year old wizard
Because in Africa they need newborns to have sex with because they believe it will cure HIV
Something's fishy
I feel bad for the mosquitoes in Africa having to drink aids blood
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 that's a retarded thing to push for
Less Africans is probably better for Africa
I mean, by all means work to increase sex education in africa.
hi scary
They can't support their child production
With no industry
Joo delete meme
pic didnt upload right
Apparently I'm a joo now
Who are you even
Mfw I see so many new names around every mass killing
@Charlemagne look
@Ems it is ok
Ignore him