Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 364837216876494849
dogs eye
Buffalo Wild Wings is legit
Thought i's give aussie slang a burl
is good
i live in a black area and all the dindus love wingstop
Here we have The Hanger and Wings over... franchises
i live in dc
The fuck is wingstop
a wing chain
yum yum
Kfc tfw
Or duffs
<- mfw you niggers eat fast food
duffs are real wings
fuck chains
I like their popcorn chicken
kfc = water injected bullshit chicken
KFC was good when they had the double down
Id rather have my own chicken coup and butcher my own chickens then eat KFC
real talk
we don’t have kfc at my city:(
speaking of butchering chicken
<:pepeSaluteReverse:316235121231527936> <:moonman2:361284629036269578> <:pepeSalute:317129593746358273>
kfcs greasy as shit. get popeyes or get good fried chicken from your grocer
sashka gril
When I was a kid (4 years old or so), I witnessed a decapitated chicken running around our house
I had nightmares about that for years
did you ever recover?
darkspear never die
<:crinjaFlexL:356835559416659968> <:moonman2:361284629036269578> <:crinjaFlexR:356835333817499648>
@WrasslinMan well, I cook my own food anyway, but I just want to try it ya know
well yeah
plot twist it was his mom
yo niggas
but dreams were crazy
like headless chicken were taking away my family into a basement and shit