Message from @thot destroyer
Discord ID: 364846153218523147
ha gotem
tfw i got a gf cuz hilfiger died
SoCal is a celebration of degeneracy and <@&350743889667424256>oldry
HANK JOHNson is woke af
my dik would flood manhattan
@! Q ! wooooo DEGENERECY!
guys im so woke
i live and work in apothecary
and sel only red pils
nigga so woke he sleep wif his eyes open DAMN!
im so woke
im 2 woke
some slip me an ambien
There are more illegals, <@&350743889667424256>s, degenerate sexual deviants and criminals in California west of the San Andreas fault than anywhere else in the world.
nigga so woke he take ambien to wake up
inception paradox in this madafauq
we president naow
we da representativez
any1 of u had parents that didnt alow swaering
Kwanza is a cultural holiday for my kind.
yea i did but luckily they taught me to spell
i told my mom to go fuk herself
did u have to put a penie in jar if u swore
did she?
mom worked the streets
oldest profesion homie
there are more on the east coast @! Q !
@Autistic Dog not by a long shot.
ya she had that immigrant work ethic sucking dik like a vaccuum
nyc has a larger population
all the cucked new england states
ur mom is a honorable beautiful women worth of praise