Message from @Gunslinger
Discord ID: 365129272911855617
Since driving is superior
Isn't that place 5 meters underwater
To little baby bikes
Used to be
Thank god im not poor
Or I would be too
Unless it’s motorcycles we’re talking about
I like motorcycles too
@RichardSilverShadow Its not that there arent some bad people of other races, its that Jews are usually behind everything. Look for something like gun control being pushed and you'll see that the anchor is a jew and the ceo is too. Look at what I just did. See CoD pushing CP, Activision ceo is a jew. Look at who works at CNN or NBC or the New York times. Look at what they push. All executive positions are jews.
Look at most of the worlds most powerful leaders
All whites
no speak le frensh
It’s a conspiracy
Look at all of the bankers, the ones who actually control the money
>Most powerful leaders
>All whites
Look at people who’ve been on the moon
Please look up Jacob de Rothschild
if you cant see the difference between a powerful country with a powerful leader, and a foreign population ruling as a minority, you might be retarded
@VicariousJambi And your argument is then that these people fill these roles because of nepotism? And are by that reason other non-jews prevented from profiting from these same opportunities?
@Rev muslim nigger in france throws his coal burning race traitor girlfriend out the window because his parents are coming home,rotherham-abuse-12-men-charged-with-44-child-sex-offences_24079.htm 12 men charged with 44 child sex offences
the guys' names
They are (all addresses are Rotherham unless stated): Amjal Rafiq (38) and Nabeel Kurshid (34), of Warwick Street; Iqlak Yousaf (33) of Tooker Road; Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar (36) of East Road; Tanweer Ali (36), of Godstone Road; Aftab Hussain (38), of York Road; Abid Saddiq (36), of Walter Street; Sharaz Hussain (33), of Fitzwilliam Road, Eastwood; and Salah Ahmed El-Hakam (38), of Tudor Close, Sheffield; Mohammed Ashan (33), Masaeud Malik (33) and Waseem Khaliq (33).
@VicariousJambi I am merely trying to understand the point of these accusations. As I don't see the harm in it on a superficial level. If there is however an underlying shady practise then I am keen on hearing it.
niggas are litterally blind lmao
@ah wow do you see sonething funny about their names <:ThinkStare:356316814847901698>
Amjal Rafiq
Nabeel Kurshid
Iqlak Yousaf
Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar
Tanweer Ali
Aftab Hussain
Abid Saddiq
Sharaz Hussain
Salah Ahmed El-Hakam
Mohammed Ashan
Masaeud Malik
Waseem Khaliq
I guess its all coincidences..
>the msg gets removed if i put too many dots
wtf mods
@VicariousJambi tbh theres nothing to see here !
its just a coincidence!