Message from @thot destroyer
Discord ID: 365132102938918912
what up clown
@Rev I've heard about a man tax even, that's some actually mind bending stuff, I'm glad it didn't go through.
pushing pedo acceptance isnt illegal
but it should be
@RichardSilverShadow you can do this yourself. Go on youtube. (owned by a jew). put in mouse and filter it by month and view count
tell me ur fav jew jokes
why do jews have such big noses? oxygen is free
Pushing any form of acceptance under the guise of freedom of speech and expression isn't illegal by law, correct. Practising pedophilia in the current state of the general first world country however; is.
it passed
Thats not the point that its illegal, its that people want it to be
and those (((people))) all have something in common
@RichardSilverShadow What they're doing isn't technically illegal. They're trying to normalize pedophilia.
Look into =/= implement
If a vocal minority has the right to speak its weird and seemingly twisted views - which it does - then we by that same virtue share that right to publish, speak about and contribute to the opposite if we so choose.
no, lol, fuck the first amendment
pedos dont deserve the right to speak
and "seemingly twisted"?
he should say we not lookin into shit. we got the 2nd amendment
they are twisted
If it was just pedos fighting for the right to pedophilia I don't think many people would actively listen.
@RichardSilverShadow But here's the thing, they own the media and have much more influence than that. Corporations arent people
Though that is my opinion.
corporations are people
bill gates is a person
It's not just pedos, its corporations, they have much more influence than just one person
jeff bezos is a dude
corporations are joos
therefore not people
@VicariousJambi This brings me to my earlier point, are we being limited to our capabilities or opportunities in regards to business? What's stopping us from broadcasting our own opinions and views through our own corporations.
my arm pits smell like sour milk