Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 365190743331045377
so force them to be better
it aint hard
it's funny that everyone today views their hate, NOT at individuals, but at collectives
it's stupid
it's misinformed
I'm not saying I am informed
>white cop shoots someone
>all white prime hate
i blame the nigs
they kicked off this ignorant modern mindset
individualism doesnt work lol
you can still have rights under fascism
people will inherintly act upon their identity
Ya can't use numbers. Use footballs to explain those statiscitcs.
the government will control you either way
both of those are trye
capitalism doesnt work lol
capitalism works
that's why the us is a super power
y i k e s
because im a right winger
Christianity works tbh
and i enjoy trying to talk to other right wingers
@Rocktomato this
long time no see las
how have you been
Grace to you and peace brother
yeah let's just install another theological government
sounds good to me
crusades v3
I've been having an interesting time on Discord trying with some success to evangelise
hope you've been doing well too
anyway guys
get saved quick