Message from @Logical-Scholar
Discord ID: 365272599560847360
not my president.
Do you like obama ? he is tho
jewgle told me so
hes not
Why not he is black if ur black supremacist
@Logical-Scholar hes a mulatto
+ his mom is white
Muh not president
white women are demons
never been with one, never will be with one
Obama got repealed and replaced
white women are demons
that must be why niggers
I think he meant is Trump being controlled by (((them))) or not
always go for them
<:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553> <:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553> <:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553> <:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553>
<:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553> <:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553> <:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553> <:shhheeeiiittnig:323658144444055553>
"Never will be with one" wtf I like Kayes now
these ignorant coons that disgrace black people just want to try "something new"
Black woman are so bad that caucasians dont even rape them
source : fbi
what black women do you know
the black women i know are sexy af
i live in an area with coons