Message from @Rocktomato
Discord ID: 365468804924571652
same here
o gosh it stutters
I swear to God himself if you say the UN flag
it doesn't matter what your countrymen are like
Watch high altitude balloon footage to see what earth looks like
get saved by Jesus or you will actually burn in Hell
when you die
this is a big deal
Estonian neopaganism is cooler tbh
Don’t be silly you just get reincarnated
It got those sweet gods and all.
@Semperix Tengrisim*
doesn't matter
it's a lie
You can even talk to trees.
You don’t go anywhere after you die apart from back here
Braise tengri
not an argument
We won't know until death
omg imagine watching mlp for 80 years then experiencing reincarnation to watch it for another 80 years
by the time you die it'll be too late
Wlep sleeping didnt help
help what
Reincarnation is supported by hundreds if not thousands of factual accounts in recent times but Jesus and so on is supported only by speculative claims
>speculative claims
4 biographiers
when you die you end up in heaven, purgatory, or hell
@VicariousJambi You a bit under the weather?
also Paul
its just the truth
a 5 year old claiming a past life isnt enough
Eustathios are you a Christian communist?
just feel like shit