Message from @Semperix
Discord ID: 365467154453233666
Discord has so many porn servers
Or is gravity just a spook?
science advice from rainbow dash... nice
Spheres are actually just ugly triangles so
Grace to you and peace jenso
“Gravity” is disproven by vacuum pumps used to lift heavy objects. If space is a vacuum, it would be impossible to lift things using a vacuum.
Citation: Albert Zweistein
Flat earthers are for science like atheists are for religion.
Are y'all talking about earth being flat.
it is, when i jump i can see myself from behind
And is it unironic.
If gravity cannot prevents air diffusing into a vacuum on earth, then how can it prevent air diffusing into a vacuum at the supposed “edge of space”? The gravity model is wrong.
@Semperix No we're talking about Jangles the Moon Monkey
@Die fahne hoch! oh ok
flat earthers = <:brain:338999111196082176>
Spherical earthers = <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
have you guys seen the pink wojak
with his brains being sucked out by retard wojak
quality wojak
<:Gay:356316875367514122> <:news:356316599952736266>
there's this retard wojak with a deformed head
@futurestorms I'm a brony too. And I'm trying not to be as bad as Casey.
@77777777 So what does the world look like then?
Are we still continuing the flat earth shit