Message from @Deleted User d0e93084
Discord ID: 365598217586475008
japan is fucked
I did it just to spite SJWs
Japan is full of degeneracy
In Japan anyways
two nukes weren't enough
@! Q ! seriously?
that's pretty fucking disgusting
@Deleted User d0e93084 Marie Rose
@Deleted User d0e93084 maybe they were too much
i have to draw the line there,, that is pretty fucked
was nayer being an sjw?
then why was she banned?
i don't care about jap porn but when they make porn involving underage kids it's just disgusting
OK not ‘14’ but 18 and looks ‘14’
same difference
he was scared of losing his job with him being joined on this server and all @BlueInfinityX
D e g e n e r a c y
> asking for it
>>>>asking for it
he literally asked for it lol
Oh so he was over exagrating shit
Isn’t that what Kebab says when ‘enriching’ white women with their penises?
doing an act
Tbh though i want niggers to fry
he was worried
@BlueInfinityX why so racial?
basketball americans
Why so cracker?
many race much culture
no need to be rude
@RageAmp (AmyFan) hahahaha
Honestly dont take anything i say here serousily haha
<:dindu:356316970733404161> = master race @BlueInfinityX
basketball funny