Message from @Stray Dog
Discord ID: 365599635424935937
sounds gay
@Deleted User d0e93084 because of blacks
Haha the bbc are so retarded
Just a reminder
please enable 2 factor authentication on your accounts 🙂
did anyone else see that white face bullshit?
@! Q ! isnt cali like the bastion of lgbt rights?
asian men cant even grow facial hair they dont need to be "conditioned" to be <:Gay:356316875367514122>
reasons 🙂
@Deleted User d0e93084 it is, in the white population
Hackers and shit. You should have it on peroid anyway.
On all your accounts when possible
Hispanics and Blacks are against the transgender and gay marriage shit as a population.
@! Q ! so gay marriage is banned in cali right now?
yo who wants to start a hacker group
Spics are the bastion of homophobia and transphobia
it's just annoying
i don't want to give faggots like dickword my phone number
@Deleted User d0e93084 No, it was invalidated by the 2012 Supreme Court ruling.
they will sell it to any leftist jew who asks in a heartbeat
would rather not
Which made gay marriage legal in all 50 states.
gay marriage should have stayed illegal
mexicans hate gays but love molesting their kids <:ThinkStare:356316814847901698>
Is it even possible to have a better press secretary?
At least they're straight about it.
gay marriage is a slippery slope
Mexico is weird
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx link for account 2FA?
like all slippery slopes in history
@¯\_(ツ)_/¯ gi joe rogan nation dont say shit like that
every mexican you meet in socal has stories about fucking a cousin
@! Q ! check discord settings
@ordosius Bring Back the Mooch
a marriage is supposed to be between man and woman not man and man....fucking degenerecy
wait did you delete his message @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx