Message from @ah
Discord ID: 365608341541617666
I'm now black hoodlum
pureblood nazi
seems legit
ems thinks we are going to trust her
Nah I'm just telling you guys
germany is a cucked country now anyway
you will probably see more of them poping up to shoot blacks in the next few years
oh wait
they don't have guns
What does "Pefi Protected" mean? Does he have a harem?
@Ems why RP?
hitler didn't dislike muslim dick
@RageAmp (AmyFan) not rp
Muslims were actually decently ranked according to hitler
@ah you sure
mudslimes can't really hold nazi values unless they already live in a fucked country under sharia
under japs
close enough
muslims are the mexicans of germany
I'll believe
@RageAmp (AmyFan) you better
there are mexicans in the US army
@Ems whatever makes it simpler for me
@FedEx I'm Mexican
@RageAmp (AmyFan) why would I lie about something like that anyways
Im mexican
you in the ~~reich~~ military?
@Ems memes
@RageAmp (AmyFan) nah he literally had a framed picture of Hitler on his desk