Message from @RageAmp (AmyFan)
Discord ID: 367367022994128897
nibba what
they should just stop working
The translator on the stream is translating so slow <:FeelsDabMan:356316778470834176>
why can't the just role in the tanks already
@ordosius if they think blackwater would fight the usa they are delusional
yea because the spainish government sent the military and police in force to assault them for ccalling a vote
people who voted were bashed and arrested
i think the politicians in catalonia are all going to be killed by the spanish government tbh.
that area of Spain pulls most the weight anyway
Can anyone tell who the artist is?
If they stop working they win
ohh ohh i know this one
If that happens the catalonians are gonna be "a bit" mad
send in the tanks
hitler! i bet it's those trick questions
it's hitler
I do not think catalonia is really going to get anywhere
they are separatist scum
Let's see what happens
We can watch the fireworks from afar <:FeelsComfyMan:356316472240373760>
I almost wanted to say he doesn't look that bad
tbh i find it strange that you guys don't support other countries even when your ideals overlap
it's like, just different people who want the same thing as you
Ha what
but no
fucking spanards amiright
Yeah it's weird
it's only illegal because the spanish government declared it illegal
the government there gets about half it's income form that area alone
catalonia is retarded and deserve for all their officials to stand trial for treason
they just get exploited for wealth
Carrying <:dindu:356316970733404161> 👶 is a sign of forward thinking and positive evolution.