Message from @VicariousJambi

Discord ID: 367707593839214592

2017-10-11 16:17:40 UTC  

what about brown

2017-10-11 16:17:43 UTC  

name one successful predominantly Black Country besides South Africa

2017-10-11 16:17:49 UTC  

youve gotta give your dna to the government

2017-10-11 16:17:50 UTC  


2017-10-11 16:17:50 UTC  

@stupid sweden

2017-10-11 16:17:55 UTC  


2017-10-11 16:18:02 UTC  


2017-10-11 16:18:03 UTC  
2017-10-11 16:18:05 UTC  

Welfare Demographics Percent Total Number
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000

2017-10-11 16:18:12 UTC  

@sithfreeman There are a lot of white people that are Hispanics as well

2017-10-11 16:18:13 UTC  

@radical right winger
Welfare Demographics Percent Total Number
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000

2017-10-11 16:18:15 UTC  

is Sweden really? I hope that is a joke

2017-10-11 16:18:17 UTC  
2017-10-11 16:18:20 UTC  
2017-10-11 16:18:22 UTC  
2017-10-11 16:18:24 UTC  
2017-10-11 16:18:25 UTC  

Welfare Demographics Percent Total Number
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000

2017-10-11 16:18:35 UTC  

Hispanic white woman are the MASTER RACE

2017-10-11 16:18:41 UTC  

@vec **mod abuse mod spamming ABUSE**

2017-10-11 16:18:42 UTC  

i dont think I've ever seen a shill btfo like this before

2017-10-11 16:18:45 UTC  

> absolutely de_stroyed

2017-10-11 16:18:46 UTC  

@PsyCo ayyyyyyyy

2017-10-11 16:18:47 UTC  

@stupid nope, but sweden has a population of only 10M and they've irreversibly damaged their demographic future

2017-10-11 16:18:49 UTC  

@PsyCo<:fake:356316613710053406> <:news:356316599952736266>

2017-10-11 16:18:54 UTC  


2017-10-11 16:18:55 UTC  

that statistic is sad af rly cause blacks are a minority. you'd think it'd be the other way around

2017-10-11 16:19:03 UTC  

@Blood you are absolutely, insanely, 100% BTFO

2017-10-11 16:19:03 UTC  

@PsyCo you are correct

2017-10-11 16:19:07 UTC  

Regular white women are basic thots

2017-10-11 16:19:19 UTC  

try coming up with better lies next time you low-energy shill @Blood

2017-10-11 16:19:21 UTC  

@Blood So did you run away or what?

2017-10-11 16:19:23 UTC  

hispanic white women are indeed the best, I know being a mexican

2017-10-11 16:19:41 UTC  

I dated one in high school

2017-10-11 16:19:45 UTC  

@Lex why

2017-10-11 16:19:47 UTC  

Thicc ass

2017-10-11 16:19:51 UTC  

I'd fuck a hispanic woman, wouldnt date one

2017-10-11 16:19:52 UTC  

whp wants to mary me

2017-10-11 16:19:56 UTC  

I do

2017-10-11 16:19:57 UTC  

How come I dont see @Blood ?

2017-10-11 16:19:57 UTC  
