Message from @Scary_Clown
Discord ID: 367804643763552266
as long as ur following the rules u know
ur fine
Just no fags in general tbh
it's extremely ironic how harvey weinstein was ignored by hollywood elitists who are also major advocates of feminism
**love you**
@EALootcrates It’s almost like they’re all a bunch of fucking pedos
Daca was pushed so that the democrats could have a flow of undocumented children that nobody would notice got missing
DACA is a way for the dems to get more votes from illegals
in reality
it's just a political move
Dems just hate America
And white people
Democrats are fucking losers
@EALootcrates it's a way for them to have easy access to undocumented children who do not have any guardians or parents to protect them
For those spirit cookings
@Scary_Clown they'll fuel their pedophilia rings
with them
Podesta da Molesta
@EALootcrates nobody would know they were missing because they aren't documented
Anthony Weiner, the man only getting 21 months
fuck I need textipede back
I identify as black 😉
Not me I am so white
were we supposed to get our roles back from the banned CC
His pedophilia doesnt even score him 2 years
I’m so white bob Ross uses my skin colour to make clouds in his lovely paintings
he probably bought out the judge
Pedophillia, nice meme\
to get minimal sentence
Hillary did
were we supposed to have our roles back from CC