Message from @Patmahn
Discord ID: 367806069717598210
"It was my turn!!!"
Next female candidate will say it was her turn
Because why not
W-what’s that little guy?
WOMENS DAY you say? Well back in my day womens day was every day they get graced by men’s presence.
Women's day?
I mean
Keep it that way
That's a lie
Russia had a female leader
"most nations"
emphasizing on that word
No russia isn't highlighted there
@EALootcrates all of the female leaders we had here in south america are/were cuvked
why cant I speak in <#356277119862439937>
>not zero nations
The countries whomst are highlighted in yellow are stated to never have a female leader
Kirchner, Bachelet and Rousseff
@ah weren't most of them socialists
All cuked leftists
see what bush did
lmao socialism in south america is such a meme
@UhhhSomeone you need the Serious User role
socialism in such an enpoverished continent what a fucking joke
o okay
@EALootcrates it's a bad meme <:ree:356316447548375070>
trade unions are becoming a real problematic
in brazil