Message from @RageAmp (AmyFan)
Discord ID: 367807017982754817
@EALootcrates "top ten jokes that just won't stop: Number ten: Feminism"
Number Nine: Black supremecy
it's funny how hollywood elitists were ignoring harvey weinstein's sexual abuse for decades when they were themselves
huge advocates
for feminism
: )
<:ThinkYourself:356316544734724106> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:Thicc:356316765535338500>
Ayy uhhh
Lemme get that textipede
@amygdala How can you be a cuckbuster and a degenerate <:Thonk:362811285869559808>
@ErnieLanders looks like a dude
@ErnieLanders Bernie is a c u c k
I hate bernie
@ErnieLanders oh I'm 'an educated student of color'
I want to be both as well
I used to respect Bernie until I realized he's quite frankly the worst politician in america
Who cares if she's of color
>r a g e
"I'm an educated WHITE student"
<:ree:356316447548375070> racisr
White is a color
@Patmahn you'd get kicked out for saying that though <:ree:356316447548375070>
White is the absence of color
>w a s s u p n i b b a s
That's why space is black
Berkely is such a retarded school