Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 368472145724178433
Is no good
I just told them I just needed their signature and am no qualified
And they gave me dirty look :(
Pls don't use racist emoji
Do u guys love me?
Oh shit
One of my friends is like right in the path of the fire
in cali
rest in pepperoni
Stop being mean
I posted a map in shitpost
if you want to see how close it is
Or not
I can't post images there haha
yes you can
It wont let me :/
Send it to me and I will post it here <:pepefedora:356316725865611264>
Here's a map
and I can't post images in shitpost I guess
Doesn't let me
whats not letting you. discord or the server or your shit internet or what
@Grugochet how many shits
do you have this plus
I have no plus there
Are you on mobile?
Oh you're new, that might be it
Either way he's 10 miles from the fire
abort mission