Message from @stupid
Discord ID: 368478157516308500
Give it back kzike
in the war
No you didn't
We as russians
Yeah as russian lapdogs
Tfw german soldiers die in cold when russian soldiers just drink vodka and hail stalin
Yeah and where's your military legacy
America Back to Back World War Champs
Apart from being one of the highest countries in STD's and nice porn stars
What else has czech republic done
You know apart from being a smude on europe nobody can remember
Idk ask the czechs
I'm russian lol
Yeah yeah ask the czechs they'll just make something up
No such thing as czech history or culture
Why you so mad
They stole it all off germany and russia
Who pooped in your coffee
That's.. inhuman
Czech porn videos are the best though
i eat my own poop
Honestly only thing they're good for
fk off gay fag
germany is shithole
Love me some czech prostitutes
the most expensive coffee in the world is actually made of monkey shit
Idk I prefer riley reid
no joke google it
shes ice
@Prophet Of Kek germany is most cucked country of all time
Like the only reason I even watch
That's funny
it a fact
Riley Reid was ok until she got blacked