Message from @Patmahn
Discord ID: 369173791324241921
@Walter I don't trust you around my girl
But it was also cool
And there was this cool house
The quality of this chat is gay
and I had to explain to them how it worked
shit was lit
sucks I dont remember it
@Walter yeah well don't get any ideas buddy
@V Λ L MGTOW/Feminism/Meninism is taking it's same qualities from Marxism instead of Class Warfare
its Gender Warfare
And look how it turned out for us
But i mean
Gender warfare. Gender warfare never changes
Orbit Orbit Orbit
sorry my script adds everyone
oh im sure
Ive seen some "antifeminists"in internet
Fuckin' BASED
im anti modern feminism
modern feminism is not anything like the original basis
it's a cesspool of entitled sjws
>implying the original form of feminism isn't
>not understanding Feminism's roots in Marxism
Original Feminism is still shit lmao
Rosa Luxemburg
Women wanting the right to vote was pathetic
get wedbilled
Don't you think your great-great-grand father thought the first wave feminists were "entitled sjws" aswell?
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Abela <3#0671 was banned!***
Fucking bot
Female Empowerment is the worst thing that has happened to them
Feminists are brainwashed by CNN to think women don't have enough "rights"
fucking THOTS
Women are the unhappiest theyve ever been and are comitting suicide at insane rates