Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 369174593946255362
Women are the unhappiest theyve ever been and are comitting suicide at insane rates
i'll get my fucking carbon fiber katana and just cut all these thots
swish shoosh flisng
I'll get my standard issue M14 and shoot the thots
almost passed out for a second shit
i just got really light headed
The thing is without strict parenting girls often do big life mistakes as young and end up in horrible lives, it wasn't like that before like ww1.
>not being a Trad
i tihink im dyting
I moan like a little bitch
what if whytho is not kill
then thats good
The way millenials and baby boomers act I don't even want to blame them, it's all about bad parenting.
@Logical-Scholar Capitalism has led to the collapse of the family unit and the lack of parenting.
my cat slobbers and it's a weird mix of disgusting and adorable
"We wanna have fun, better hire someone else to make sure my kid doesnt kill himself lol"
@whytho How so? with nobody forces anyone to take part in a Capitalistic society, with Socialism they force you to get politicial and shit.
>you arent forced to take part in capitalism
you aren't
No you're not.
You literally are
if you dont participate you are outcasted, or you fucking starve to death
if you're retarded
As for example a farmer you get very little taxed, explain how that is forcing you to take part of the mainstream society.