Message from @corvu55
Discord ID: 369709949514678275
Anyone else here into grilled cheese?
good night
1. 1) Trent
2. 2) Pef
3. 3) that other guy idk
4. 4)Recording bot ❤️
5. 5)Captain dynamite 🙂
6. 6)Qautro (autism)
7. 7)Vec
8. 8)Scaryclown
9. 9)Cia_guy
wow LOL im dying
the fucking kid who was telling me to stop putting info on the russian empire prior to russian revolution
thisi s what he put
"Type of government was a Monarchy
Ruled by the Tsar family
Tsar Commanded the
now thats what i call autistic, yell at the kid who actually has an idea about what is going on and then put pure shit on a slide
u had 20 minutes to do it trent and u do that shit in class
wow im sorry
sorry not you
@corvu55 ++
mm i does a stretchy now has 1 points.
umbala weilo
lmaoo guess who is gonna glam it up all night long.
they have no background and no title
The fuck is that
Looks like is made out of hardened mud
if she put on some acne cream she'd look better
do you guys think rasputin was a big thing in the october revolution
wait no in the russian revolution he died before that one
rah rah rasputin
i mean he did damage the reputation before hand :V
and they have a songa bout him :V
she would have been amazing