Message from @RageAmp (AmyFan)
Discord ID: 369828908117262336
Youre an asshole
Joshua Graham was the best
@Deleted User 904fdf23 You would be surprised how much weight he has. Why do you think he always hangs about like a bad smell? because he's always close to an ever bigger shit pile lol
demands correction, I like it
Caesar's Legion are a bunch of slaving degenerates
Tfw this is the only server where you can talk about genocide and executions without leftists getting triggered, and banning you.
yeah, they needed more of a veneer of civilization
Ugh imagine if it was fully completed 😩
fallout van Buren when?
wㄎ ㄎㄎ
talk about purging ethnic groups just about anywhere will get you banned
@Deleted User 904fdf23 Consider Zhirinovsky as a fly on the wall of proceedings.
Some gay ass shitposting server, I was talking about purging the Turks, and some furfag leftist banned me.
fucking furfags
anyway, anarcho-capitalism... look at EVE Online for what ancap looks like
fully player-run economy
minimal rules
a sandbox
not ancap enough honestly
pretty close though
spreadsheets for days
massive corporations and alliances control space
@Deleted User 904fdf23 Tak tochno 👍
in the lore, its basically a dystopia
the capsuleers, the players, rule over everything in space
the little people on the surface have little say in anything
it works pretty well, but the developers do have a hand in keeping it stable
Lol this girl at my school yesterday would say, for no reason, "I'm gay *giggles*"
they manage inflation, basically
but they do not manage supply and demand
that part is all on the players
True capitalism would keep it stabler
s c u m b a g
and supply and demand is exactly how you'd expect - shit's cheap and plentiful in high-security space, but it gets more expensive and harder to access stuff the farther out into the wilderness you go
did you ungay her