Message from @WrasslinMan
Discord ID: 369874989354188801
Yea but Spanish makes me tired
@MeatJesus Hello friend how are you today
all is good
@RageAmp (AmyFan) how did you get cucked?
how do you diddly do?
negros son changos
marx was right
@MeatJesus welcome would you like a copy of the quaran? Aloha snackbar
Good besides alll these motherfuckers speaking taco language
@Kim Jong Skill being superior so the mod team has to keep me down
No thank you @WrasslinMan
@RageAmp (AmyFan) fire the mc nukes
asi que te parace que los negros son esclavos?
@Kim Jong Skill *McGas
es la unica manera que quiero que viven
mitä helvetin vittua työ sössötätte? <:PepeAnnoyed:356316701983244288>
Voice chat read this hour
por eso eres blanco?
el beaner el taco bell el cross border
soy mexicano
Why voice chat dead
because its fucking 11 in the morning
18:51 here
me vivi 4 semanas en mexico antes
pero no me parece que los mexicanos odian los negros
amerilards probably sleep until 12, anyways
yo si los odio
porque tu odia los negros?
pinches locos que nunca paran de matar
this chat rn
>when chat doesn't speak spanish <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>