Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 369874466332737536
Here at the right server we are all mindless drones that spout the same talking points and arguments every day
Please enjoy your stay
@Offset What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
kill kikes
kill niggers
kill commies
que es que dices loco?
no dice nada por que is marica
there's nothing like a bit of pol """"humor"""""
I'll take 2 tacos and a burrito
only tortas aqui senor
now i understand why 8pol bans people for posting books lol
the fuck are you on about nigger?
poe que quieres matar ?
Using chemistry to sleep in before Spanish clasa
yo soy no
niggers are incoherant, don't try
spanish is easy
you quero taco bell
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
porque quieres matar negro?
Yea but Spanish makes me tired
@MeatJesus Hello friend how are you today
all is good
@RageAmp (AmyFan) how did you get cucked?
how do you diddly do?
negros son changos
marx was right
@MeatJesus welcome would you like a copy of the quaran? Aloha snackbar
Good besides alll these motherfuckers speaking taco language
@Kim Jong Skill being superior so the mod team has to keep me down
No thank you @WrasslinMan