Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 369872713826959361
stop it
i miss him already
im trying to save those
thanks jeb
a true hero
What did you say about $100?
the holocaust did nothing wrong
holocaust was a blessing
They didn't kill enough jews tbh
@Jeb DM
@VicariousJambi maybe are kill too many Jew?
holodomor>anything else
"ukrainians" are gay
literally inbred russians with a napoleon complex
its every day
damn kikes
it's not like it hurts anyone, right?
if anything, this chat needs a new discussion topic lol
try doing ctrl+f "holocaust"
I've seen someone say literally those exact words before
go fuck yourself shill
o o f
slav genes are gr8
@shagurnan do you want some 😉
damn clown
"anyone who doesn't assimilate into the echo chamber is a shill"
Yeah didn't you know
Here at the right server we are all mindless drones that spout the same talking points and arguments every day
Please enjoy your stay
@Offset What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
kill kikes
kill niggers