Message from @Offset
Discord ID: 369898446792032257
I prefer white men of european descent
why not Mexican men of American descent?
@Dolly smart
No thx
Give me nordic or slavic guy tbh
I also like nordics
Nordic guys are cucks
I think you'll like Mexican guys
One of my exes was a swede
No thx
They're short af
>prefers a specific type of male
>most likely fat
>Mexican guys
@thrillogy me??
Yeah most Mexican guys are shitty partners
@Dolly lol
I'd say I'm a great partner
@Offset young Stalin was handsome af
Every nordic person that has been on this server has wanted open borders
Look at those track pants fam👌🏻
@sassycatpooie Tell @Dolly about how awesome <:dindu:356316970733404161> men are.
Yes young stalin was handsome
Georgian men are handsome
he really was
@! Q ! 2/10
i'd fuck him
and i'm not even gay
Damn gay
Look at that
That pic is photoshopped tho
is it?
i don't think it is
There is another angle of it floating around