Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 369934129631985666
no im disagreeing with you
bernie is a hypocrite
Bernie is a liberal and so are you @RussianBearTamer
@Jeb I'll ask
im no liberal
birdie sandles has been making 200k a year for like 50 years and still has a networth of like half a million dollars <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
can you trust a retard like that to be president
you got the wrong one
@Deleted User 904fdf23 have you ever been to pripyat? honestly wondering
i really wanna go
>im non liberal im a republican
>Are you democrat or republican?
i hear that it's like the most popular tourist spot in ukraine
>wanting to go to places because of vidyas
god dam gime image rights
im not used to non-gold status
Fucking tranny
the red army will rise.
reactor 3
@whytho youre demented if you think im a liberal
>implying nationalism is about hate and not self preservation
Question: Who won WW2?
@RussianBearTamer what are your political views
did you go with a tour group?
the russians won it.
through COMMUNISM.
americans are brainwashed to think that americans won it
The USSR won because they won the most amount of land
the russians took their war spoils
by raping every bitch in germany <:pepefedora:356316725865611264>