Message from @Autistic Dog
Discord ID: 369961133391609867
There is a asston of <@&350743889667424256> that refuse to speak english
@SchloppyDoggo ay carajo no me insultes de ese modo, por favor 😦
the dream job
tequila speak
@KennyD the rich folks pay nice for a good window cleaner
@ah yer posts smell like a land fill in india
@SchloppyDoggo no they smell like a land empty
🤡 🔫 <:dindu:356316970733404161>
kenny gets paid rich white folk money
The job can suck since it has a mouth
Why do I love America so much?
@KennyD have you seen that movie where its a dude working in private houses, and the wiffes in the private houses sucks his dick?
that's the dream job
im living in the mountains
this channel is not limited by much
<@282530519307124736> hmm good question
<@282530519307124736> rood
<@282530519307124736> the shitpost channel is mostly for images
@Autistic Dog LOl is that real
@trent its real
>channel 4 @Autistic Dog
a gay jewish former nazi. sounds like an abc special to me
>video interview of him saying it
>A white supremacist active as recently as the start of this year says today he is publicly renouncing 40 years of hate.
if it was a communist it would be "renouncing 40 years of being kind and revolushun hur hur"
sounds like a crisis actor tbh
the CIA and FBI have people infiltrate far right groups all the time
>far right