Message from @RageAmp (AmyFan)
Discord ID: 370026865202692096
krokodil is really cheap
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it's made of fucking petrol
drugs are terrible
that's gotta be horrible shit man
like being in that situation
russians can't afford anything else
I have done a plethora of narcotics and i learned a long time ago to keep it light, or not at all. Preferably the latter.
<:jewhead:341071478776922132> <:jewhead:341071478776922132> <:jewhead:341071478776922132>
crackheads are common enough I laugh at them at this point
i always have
We need to force overdose drug addicts
Wanna go drink?
stopping doing drugs and encouraging drug use
I don't encourage drugs
My boss is an alcoholic and he's a fucking retard
Crack never made it into my circle, because we could always afford the mexican marching powder. Which is shit. Just get a coffee. Same feeling.
hell disguised as heaven
The guy I find attractive smokes weed 3+ times a day
I do not
lol i smoke a lot
i smoked a few minutes ago
not crack man
all drugs are not cool
So I have to remind myself that, that behaviour is not what I'm about.
I'm trying to find a picture of my body
i have a video of me on acid
In fact: just avoid all of it. Don't bother. Drinking, drugs. You'll be better off not trying to escape everything. Many other ways to feel good.
remind yourself how druggies end up and stop all drug use
fucking scum
Drugs and alcohol are useless
@KennyD dumbass. Work first. Play later.