Message from @trent
Discord ID: 370101720786927617
I'm too lazy to go take another shower
yea its pretty funny
his shit actually kills ur sperm
You know, this is the first time we've directly interacted in like a week
There's a lot of people on call
@Fusion what is your personality type
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx Are you Pefimous?
Because Pef asked this exact thing like a week ago
Oy gevalt, Pef
and here I thought you weren't an admin anymore
Well, a mod
we still going to do game night this Saturday?
im too emo now
emo af
everyone is asleep
is that why its kinda dead
everyone in america is asleep
but im awake
<:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440> bad sleep schedule
tfw im woke as shit
I'll honestly probably be up for another 2 hours or so
sleep schedule is for squares
hello go souls
im new here
looking for chats
i used that to troll a leftist reddit discord
bout 4 months ago
u guys think i could have permission to talk?