Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 370206660460937216
i come back forever
what a smart hacker
@alwayswatching 🙂
are you in anonymous?
twent did i hewt yow feewingz?
@stupid what did u need sir
i mean
faggot is back
poor feewingz
Im sorry this man is being so mean Trent...
he probably doesn't even use vpns
he probably uses tor
@stupid idc
trent is literally triggered that i didnt have a picture..
sieg <:Ban:356316530859966475>
I'm so cold @trent help me
@alwayswatching no idc im just enforcing our server's rules
omg trent
i get paid 6 hotpockets per month
@trent <:Ban:356316530859966475>
u wish
rules?? that sounds awfully liberal
I get paid 10
lol i hate dems so much
fuck off anarcho-capitalist
@alwayswatching what kind of universe do you live in where rules are liberal
rules are authoritarian
not everyone on the right is a (((fredumb fag)))
an ancap universe
@whytho they r so frickin dumb rules r liberal xd xd
rules are authoritarian
deep throating a shotgun rn