Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 370561465511575553
We need to turn back to a more patriarchal society.
If a Trump supporter votes for dem. you just make Democrats look smart.
Not a good idea
@SchloppyDoggo too much drinking out of plastic waterbottles
ultimate redpill is voting green party in 2020 @!Co-Owner!
What's the point of third parties at all? is it just there to look more democratic?
Do you stupid
Prob not
An orbiter?
Of women
He is an American nationalist could watch all of Europe get blown up as long as America doesn't.
As if a women were the sun
I don't orbit any women
He is a planet
Remember when the green party tried to force a recount
no refunds
jill stein literally robbed ppl of what like 500k?
Not robbed
Funny enough if Jill Stein's voters went to Hillary in some swing states she would have won.
@Scary_Clown fuck off
and Gary Johnson's votes too
I literally have one girlfriend
im going
the so called "green party" is far worse than the democrats
to make you resign
Scary your mum gay
@!Co-Owner! stop orbiting my girlfriend you pathetic 12 year old
What a whiny Nigger
Which e-thot @Scary_Clown
@Jeb yeah
I've stopped fucking around
You white
Literally quit dming every woman