Message from @! Q !
Discord ID: 370564714377248768
We thought based Brit was Nasser as fuck too
a british person admin
maybe like
a based british persoN????
Yeah let's bring brit back
why would u made a europoor admin
nice meme reddit man
@king maybe you should make me admin 😉
Trent is literally based Aussie
Aka based Brit 2.0
Aussies are basically Brits
@Scary_Clown fuck off cunt, you cant even remember to feed a parrot let alone be a responsible administrator
Just no
These newfags don't understand the pain of foreign rule
You're also a Brit by blood @Scary_Clown
I am always fair
@Logical-Scholar no I'm Russian/German
You make exceptions for your e-thots
@!Co-Owner! no I don't
Can I also get admin, please?
@Scary_Clown And Irish, New England is full of Irish
?ban @Scary_Clown
🤡 yes you do. Lol
Literally banned my girlfriend just 2 days ago
do that one
I don't think begging for admin is going to work guys
Which girlfriend?