Message from @king
Discord ID: 370573574618087424
@gandhididpompeii Lenny.
Who has since left.
Like actual mental midgets
Think I want to ban all women
holy moly
imagine thinking everyone on the internet was serious 100% of the time
I'm literally just weeding out retards
Specifically women
Who come here for attention
imagine not wanting to kill whores
And don't have any political views
But want to be orbited
I had to ban some random girl for coming on here for attention
Its just annoying
who here would shave their body hair for a gril
but people want to whiteknight them
are u a real colored guy
i would shave my body hair to lick a girls armpits
can u also ban people linking threads from reddit
What the fuck did I just read
It's retarded though, they think I'm on a whole mission against women and banning them all, when I give some Prestigious
Like if I wanted to ban all women its not hard, I banned 16k people from CC in 10 minutes
@gandhididpompeii that’s dumb, there are good reddit threads.
#meto king
But I digress
I was meming about banning reddit but yeah i agree some of it's ok the culture is cancer af tho. "thanks for the gold!"
hair is sort of weird thing to add
Onto other things: 1. TRS Bible Study. 2. Make rule against GOTIS
bible study
b o y