Message from @amygdala
Discord ID: 370645581397229568
@Dolly suggestions on what trolly?
I’m not tho
I was thinking about minnie mouse
I’m probably not going to dress up for Halloween cause idgaf about halloween
I have to dress up lol
I'm one of the party hoste
but you dress up everyday
@RageAmp (AmyFan) gimme suggestions
On halloween costume
got an answer on why my boss never showed up
Today we got corporate diversity and mental health talks
like what the hell were construction workers 99% if he crew is Mexican
Your profile pic, a fox, The Wall, A chef, Donald Trump
be a slutty cat
/g/ and /pol/ mainly
/out/ and /k/
some times /k/
Very rarely /b/
Aurora is nice tbh
What are u fucking gay
/a/ /mu/ /aco/
Your profile pic, a fox, The Wall, A chef, Donald Trump your costume ideas @Dolly
oh yeah and i lurk on /a/ forgot about that one
Why are yall talking about boards
Let's talk about food
/mu/ is cancer