Message from @king
Discord ID: 371020799647154176
I gotta go to work
who is this pinguy guy
The lord and savior
that has to be the best sentence man has ever formed
@Scary_Clown its goofed hold on
ur a real goof
no lurking in voice chat? rip listening to conversations
or contributing in <#356277817253560320>
@king saphiren did that on old CC too
king do u know nate snowstorm
the madman actually did it
the twitter account makes no sense
@Hitlers Retarded Cousin Al Just someone up and coming that who may need support to grow their channel.
is it supposed to be a news site
or a poll account
ayy back from my shitty walk and shitty Walmart what's changed since i left
ScaramucciPost just follows basic memetics
i like having to clarify that follows do not equal job offers
its run by his sons
Hey Zane!