Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 371803909678694421
and shave my legs
happy caps lock day
ok how about this
It isn't even "forming a society under a lie". It's a ruleset for people that can't be shifted by Jewish media moguls.
If God is fake, Explain VR Porn
Not everyone needed to use it either
>implying the Jews run everything
why do you think you can nitpick parts of the bible that you accept away from parts you don't
They don't.
how's that for a question?
@baked alaska boy fuck outta here with your gay ass born bull shit
As it was in the third reich
i love you
if it is the ultimate truth why isn't it all true?
Also, the Bible is meant to be taken both literally and allegorically.
no drumpf no kkkkkkkk
@baked alaska porn, fuck you, no bully
There already is no KKK
No Nazi USA
i just started it back up
The KKK did nothing wrong
If Jews run the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks, what is outside their reach?
so you believe the bible in its entire, literal form? @whytho
who wana join
Only killed coons
The KKK does not exist anymore, at least in any serious form
@The23rdPower lol
@baked alaska fuk why pippo and fuk fashist usa no kkk
i'll take that as yes
99% of KKK members are now undercover FBI agents
the KKK currently holds a membership of 400 million globally, look up the facts retard
@The23rdPower it wasnt a yes
Not really a shame