Message from @blaziken man ๐ฅ๐
Discord ID: 373929140480638987
I have to defend my glorious shitty <#350739775214583812> against the evul vec
and i told the rest to stop bullying him
holy shit
@AIDSFrodo its good vs evil ya dink - youre a small minded guy huh
oy vey here come the ad hominems
throw me in prison fam wrongthink
anyone wanna play secret hitler with us
He just keeps saying "Inferior" and "Supremacist" just like a Leftist.
but ur totally not a central authoritarian hildebeast
hwite powah
ur totally american
misssssssss me
@Sleeby omigod ree skrrrrt
๐ป ๐๐ฟ **hwite powah**
evil WILL band together & manipulate for power - but good men wish to empower & freee other men. So for a time, evil SEEMS to be winning, as they consolidate & manipulate for power - but once they reach critical mass, the good men WILL come out and prevail, because they are more powerful
sรคtt pรฅ sรฅ jag hรถr systemljud
it's as old as time
this cycle
please speak american thanks
it's saul alinsky's rules for radicals guys
thats the dem / globalist / commie handbook
have no morals - so you can hoist your enemy onto their own & take their power
@Bondlurk kinky
but gay
lol js stfu
and sleebt
u also were a douche
Tell him to stop harrassing
@AIDSFrodo i'll be voice chat later around 6-7 if you want to have a convo
im goodm an
johan hรฅll kรคften
i have to go in a few minutes also anwyay
Jรคvla bรถgar ni รคr