Message from @Stabbing TIME_

Discord ID: 375858078857297920

2017-11-03 04:02:57 UTC  

reeeee jews

2017-11-03 04:02:57 UTC  

I guess you just don't care anymore like a typical degenerate commy

2017-11-03 04:02:59 UTC  

>free will

2017-11-03 04:03:13 UTC  

The family unit is under attack, families need reasons to get together now

2017-11-03 04:03:42 UTC  

the US itself is a country of immigrants, it's British property and shouldn't exist

2017-11-03 04:03:43 UTC  

my grandfather killed nazis

2017-11-03 04:03:48 UTC  

why shoul di give a fuck about u fags

2017-11-03 04:04:06 UTC  

one commy can make a whole family line degenerate :(

2017-11-03 04:04:26 UTC  

you didn't deserve independence

we revolted by reminding the limeys that they can stick their tea up their arse

2017-11-03 04:04:34 UTC  

>America is British territory
say that to our ICBMs and Gerald R. Ford-class supercarriers

2017-11-03 04:05:00 UTC  

just because you have the guns doesn't mean you are right, it just means you can enforce what you make people believe is right

2017-11-03 04:05:08 UTC  

friendly reminder the world is only better because of America

2017-11-03 04:05:25 UTC  

friendly reminder that America destroys anything that threatens the jewish elite

2017-11-03 04:05:30 UTC  

bitch we drive the world economy and dominate just about politics everywhere

2017-11-03 04:05:48 UTC  

Communism is the ideology of the singleminded, it only works in the mind of a single individual, because every individual is unique, communism will vary from person to person as a theory, but it will never work in reality.

2017-11-03 04:05:49 UTC  

we are the reason the world isnโ€™t as shitty as it was before us

2017-11-03 04:06:09 UTC  

really makes me

2017-11-03 04:06:10 UTC  


2017-11-03 04:06:38 UTC  

Trumpโ€™s first mistake was letting his senior advisor be a Jew

2017-11-03 04:06:48 UTC  

Trump is a jew...

2017-11-03 04:06:49 UTC  

nazis wouldn't even fuck u wannabe faggots viva

2017-11-03 04:06:50 UTC  


2017-11-03 04:07:04 UTC  

>Trump is a Jew
ban this man

2017-11-03 04:07:11 UTC  

@Stabbing TIME_ oh yeah what will the Jew do huh

2017-11-03 04:07:24 UTC  

the goyim know lad

2017-11-03 04:07:45 UTC  

**hand rubbing intensifies**

2017-11-03 04:08:01 UTC  

Do MAGA's support Kushner?

2017-11-03 04:08:03 UTC  


2017-11-03 04:08:06 UTC  


2017-11-03 04:08:22 UTC  

Jews are just about everywhere

2017-11-03 04:08:29 UTC  

Thatโ€™s why we need to exterminate them

2017-11-03 04:08:29 UTC  

I donโ€™t think itโ€™s the end of the world that trump let a Jew be his senior advisor

2017-11-03 04:09:10 UTC  

the jewish elite needs to be eliminated because they control our lives and our minds

2017-11-03 04:09:10 UTC  

Jews ruin everything they touch lad

2017-11-03 04:09:25 UTC  

>talk about propaganda, while dishing out your own propaganda

2017-11-03 04:09:26 UTC  

the fact that you are not taking this seriously just shows how much propaganda you were given