Message from @Rocktomato
Discord ID: 376080486470254602
always fun to here tho
Sometimes ye, when everyone kind of Spams lol
Too many charaters.
Hillary was always a gay man
i was a gamergate dude since it started then found the sub, then the original discord
tfw you watch a band play till encore and you used to be their bass guitarist
feels bad man
they did it over some petty shit to
@Bruder Karolus was a long fought battle for free speech amongst video game media that sort of spiraled far more than thought
deeper than that but that the tldr
Ye, I was in a server which had strikes lmao, and I got two for saying Nigger
oh jesus
Ye, that was pretty gay
We had a like half an hour discussion about hatespeech lmao
what the fuck
Hey guys. Sorry to cut you off but I was having debate at BurgerFi about the will to learn your ancestor’s culture. Here is the question I asked in this debate.
If you were born in the US and your parents were from the Ukraine, would you need to douse yourself in all of Ukrainian culture like learning the language?
My friend is also saying that because one does not find an interest in learning Ukrainian culture or (insert descendants/new found non-US nationality here,) that can ONLY mean that you are ashamed of said culture and are hiding it.
Is it me or is this just silly thinking?
ukraine = gay
i get why nigger can be hate speech but just saying the word
oh no i hate blacks and jews and everything blah blah blqh
@WallyWah you should not feel ashamed of your culture or ethnical heritage, but you should get used to the rules and culture of the nation you live in. When you want to live Ukrainian style, than go to Ukraine. Just my opinion.
I only hate black people
I only hate jews
Shall I send a Screenshot why the discussion started? It's pretty gay why lol @zanezavin
@olev o, dm me lol
Fellow jew hater
@Bruder Karolus go for it dude there isn't much i haven't seen
( ( ( N I G G E R ) ) )
Ok lol
Is there a black person in here that I haven't blocked yet?
I don't really support the jew conspiracy shit
Need to crop the shit first